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2024-10-25 eBay Account Hijacked
The true story of a friend trying to answer questions for an item he was selling on eBay and became a victim of Cross Site Scripting. In this article we take a deeper look at this vulnerability and what you can do to prevent getting your cookies stolen. If you sell anything on eBay, you'll want to read this article.
2024-11-20 Does a home user need a router for added security?
I have read all of your reviews on
the virus software companies. My question is; does a home user need a
router for added security? I have been told by many who use computers
that it's a good idea. The only one who said that I should "take it
back to the store", was a tech support worker at my ISP. Well what is
your opinion?
Thank You, Mr. Ford
To Have or Not to Have... that is the question.
answer the question, should you install a router, we need to address
what functions the router adds, and which of these functions are
security related. Then, look if these services and functions are being
supplies elsewhere.
2024-10-09 Understanding Heuristics
The hot term in antivirus programs this year is 'heuristics'. In this article we take a deeper look at what it is, and how it can help protect you against viruses that haven't been identified and labeled yet.
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